Thursday 9 January 2014

The young apprentice

My daughter who is 5 has always been keen on watching me work, and since she has been able to she has always wanted to help out and try to carve with her wooden knife that I made for her, the other day she used her first real edged tool, the axe was a bit heavy for her but she used the knife well and she showed great promise and she listened to all the safety tips and took them onboard.

I think after a few more lessons and she'll be well on her way.


  1. It's great to see that the next generation is showing interest for this work, and this must be encouraged. I'm also glad to see parents who want to teach, and pass their knowledge!
    Just take care with those cutting tools !!!

  2. That first one is a great picture. I'm impressed she can heft the hatchet, but I guess it helps for her to tuck the handle under her arm like that.

    Thanks for sharing!
