

Friday, 10 December 2010

Willow Kuksa

A couple of pics of a Willow Kuksa I made for myself I use this cup alot at work for coffee and its also hanging on my pack when I go camping or on bimbles.

A small split in the front was filled with super glue and fine wood dust.

Pictured with some of my favourite pieces of kit

My Kuksa,Birch bark box, Curly Birch knife I made and my Bentwood box, I didn't make this it was a gift.


  1. Dear Simon, I love your Blog, fantastic really. I do some woodcarving and primitive blacksmithing myself. I was wondering how you cure/dry your pieces. I've had the worst luck with pieces cracking. I'm currently bagging my pieces. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Thanks Chris, you have some amazing knives on your blog!.
    I use green wood and carve it as soon as I can get some time, I keep the carving in an open plastic bag with the chippings away from any heat if I dont finish it in one sitting,the chips help quite alot I've found, some woods can be a problem for splitting though, I've a few splitting before. The Kuksa split at the front and was filled with glue this works well.
    To dry them I just bag them without the chipppings then oil to finish.
    Dont know if this is what you have been doing?.I hope this is of some help to you, and good luck with your carving.

  3. Hi!

    I just found your blog. Just wonderful pieces! It so happens my own kuksa got a split last summer when I was out in the Finnish Lapland, accidentally dropped it. The split is about two centimeters long and about one millimeter wide at the top, it widens somewhat when it gets wet, think that indicates that the center of the wood is misplaced? Well, I do like the kuksa very much and would like to fix it, any advice? Have been meaning to try to stuff it with some conifer resin.

    Thanks for the pics and the read.
    Daniel, Finland

  4. You could try your own homemade glue from pine sap it could work well or use super glue with some wood dust mixed in, good luck with it I hope it works out.

    All the best.

  5. Hiya, nice kuksa. I assumed that willow would be prone to leaking?


  6. Thanks Mark, I've never had any problem with Willow leaking tbh, once oiled and as long as it doesn't split its been fine.

  7. Hi Simon, I have just made my first kuksa (from a wind blown beech branch) and was wondering what oil to use on it, since obviously it has to be something that neither poisons you nor tastes too funny?!

    Thanks, Will

  8. Hi Will I use Food safe Linseed oil (flax seed oil)
