

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Lime serving spoon

I have just finished this serving spoon made from Lime, the wood came from a crown lift we did on a large old Lime tree the other day and I quite liked a piece that was about to be chipped, it had a nice curve so it was saved to create this spoon.
I haven't finished it with anything yet I will let it dry some more and then oil it with Flax seed oil

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Silver Maple flour spoon

I finished a flour spoon made in Silver Maple, its finished with the knife and oiled with Flax seed oil. I have a few more bits left from the Maple and plan on making a couple more spoons.

The Maple is lovely wood to work, carves and finishes well.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Maple spoon

Heres some pictures of a spoon I finished yesterday, its made from silver Maple with a bit of Kolrosing and finished with Flax seed oil.

I finished making a short film of how I carve a spoon.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Axe sheath

I knocked up a sheath for my new axe yesterday, I only had scraps of leather left so I just made do, Its going to serve a purpose even if its not pretty.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Some nice Ash

I managed to get some more Ash split today for some axe handles, the log I chose was about 15 inch thick and very straight, once split in half it has showed up some interesting brown wood.

There are a couple of knots but the grain is very staight and the growth rings aren't too far appart so it looks like I will get a few decent blanks from it.

Monday, 10 January 2011

New carving knife.

I tried out my new axe handle yesterday and I'm very pleased with the result, I have had to make a few changes here and there to the handle shape, just little cuts to get rid of hot spots and now it feels very comfortable to use.

I was given a Polar whittler blade a while ago by a friend and I quite liked the look of it for a carving knife, I decided as I had some Ash left over that I would make a handle for it.

Not a massive project for the axe but a good start. The knife feels very good and it will make a great knife to add to my tool roll, I have a nice piece of silver Maple waiting to have a spoon made from it so I will give them both a good trial.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Short axe handle.

I have been toying with the idea of making a shorter handle carving axe recently and today I got round to making one. I have found that when using axes for carving or roughing out I dont need a 13 or 14 inch handle, so today I made this Ash handle for this kent pattern head, its just under 9 inches long and I carved the handle to suit my grip. The head weighs just under 2 lbs so it has a good feel when being used with the 9 inch handle, I used a Oak wedge to secure the head, not done the best job with it but its nice and tight so it works fine.

I like the tool finish and because of the size of the handle it gives a good grip.

The handles curve makes it very usable and the head balances forward to give a good cutting action.